It is possible for vitiligo to appear at any age. Usually it appears betwenn 5 and 30 years of age.
The mean age for vitiligo is 20 years old (Nordlund & Majumder).
There have been recent studies that indicate that 25% of patients will have vitiligo before 8 years of age. Howitz and his colleagues in Denmark noticed that in 25% of the children vitiligo appears between 4 and 8 years of age. Of course, there have been cases of children having vitiligo since they were 3 months old.
At our center, the youngest children we treat for vitiligo are 18 months old and 2 years old. Also:
Adults and children of both sexes are equally affected by vitiligo. There is no difference between the sexes or types of skin (phototypes) when it comes to vitiligo.
Females seem to be more interested in the look of their skin and this contributes to early awareness of their vitiligo, hence timely visit to the dermatologist. Finally, it is a known fact that in 50% of vitiligo patients, their condition began before the age of 20.